Larking about
After recent laziness, an outing was in order today so we headed up to the lake in the mountains that we'd been at a few weeks ago. No-one (Mr B) heeded my warnings that it was a holiday today and the restaurant might be busy; and sure enough when I called on route to check, they were already full. This prompted a bit of a deviation searching for an alternative child-friendly, with outdoor space, restaurant which we abandonned when the only place we could find open was a bar with a bookies in it. So we went to the lake and ate in the snack bar instead.
The kids had much fun charging about in the water and playing on the wooden playground in the lake, though Conor mostly just lay on me feeling a bit poorly. These folk were having a lot of fun on this big ball thing that you swing and tip until everyone falls off. I almost posted a shot of a lady who arrived with a man and sat on the hill just above us, then had the man file dead skin off her feet for about 45 minutes. While pretending to take a shot of one of our kids, I took a couple of her - but she is looking at me so meanly in them that I'm feeling a bit guilty about that. So here's some blokes larking about instead. Hope they won't sue.
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