say cheese

What I got when I asked if the two of them would stay still for a nano second to allow me to take a photo - and believe me, this is the best. The others of their face pulling were basically so horrific I just didn't have the heart to commit it to screen - permanently! Although since I did 'enjoy' this wee face so much yesterday I was tempted but as it was not just my kid, thankfully for all, I had second thoughts!

Anyway they were deliriously happy to see each other again after our holidays, even if it was just a meet up this evening in a cafe for a friend's book launch and all rather adult focussed!

Boy isn't getting back into the swing of things after a break, well one big swing! Knocked off some of the important stuff to do at work while new 'important' stuff kept on arriving, it's going to take some time to get close to on top of things...

Like for that matter the washing pile that keeps on getting bigger even though I'm washing endlessly as the kids keep adding new stuff to it from today and blipfoto - how can I catch up on all the missing ones when I barely have enough time to do one a day as it is?

Any answers, please???!!!!

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