Wisdom Begins In Wonder

By bobzilla

It's my own fault

I hummed and hawed about whether to take my dSLR out with me this morning as I was already carting my full laptop bag with me. I chose to travel 'light' for the trip to the school for Erica to say goodbye to her ladies and we jumped on a different bus from our usual. I'd completely forgotten that filming for Brad Pitt's World War Z started today and so Glasgow city centre was shut down basically.

We got off the bus at the wrong end of town and made our way through George Sqr to get the Underground to the shop to finish our packing. It wasn't until we got within a few streets that I noticed all the traffic lights and street signs had changed and we weren't in Glasgow anymore.

Everywhere you looked there were film crew or security working away and half the population of Scotland seemed to have arrived trying to catch a glimpse of Brad or Angelina. All through this I was kicking my idea to travel light. I had my dusty cameraphone that refused to focus and that was it. So apologies for the quality but I can live with this one being truly a part of a photoblog and not just a series of staged photos ;)

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