Shocking Pink

I was feeling so unblippable and lazy tonight that i thought I would just use the P&S and take some flowers. Easy I thought. What did I end up with? A heap of out of focus flowers. I have lost the knack of using the wee camera. That will teach me :)

Buay day at work, still catching up from last week but getting there. Not much else to report. I was supposed to be at the book club but had left getting the book till the last momnet and ran out of time to do it justice. Shame, its usually a good excuse for a mid week tipple a good night out :)

Back to the optician tomorrow for a check up. Eyes are getting there but long distance is still pants. They did say it would take time but I hadn't expected it to take this long.

Time for a spot of vegging in front of the TV I think.

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