A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Doing his thing

This is how Carl likes to spend as much of August as possible. Actually, he'd probably like to the rest of the year as well, though it is most likely to happen in August. He takes his barbecuing very seriously and the rest of us get to reap the benefits.

I'm a day behind blipping which means that I pretty much have no idea what happened yesterday. It wasn't the Fiesta so it must have been the day after the Fiesta. We definitely went in the pool - a lot. Oh, I remember now, we had a morning of "doing stuff" - fun food buying at the market and less fun but necessary buying of washing machine. Supposedly the latter will be delivered on Thursday but this relies on me having given a clear idea of where our casa is (halfway up a dry river bed) and being able to do the same when the driver calls tomorrow. Oh, in Spanish. I foresee lots of standing in the dry river bed and waving.

For now I am off to finish the longest ever game of Chinese Checkers (started Sunday).

Lesley x

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