A little close for comfort.

Zambia Day# 11.

Sorry to blip virtually the same as Mrs DD, but could not resist a photo of this female protecting her young. It got pretty close to us. Almost as close as the one near our tent last evening.

Could have blipped one of a number of shots of lorries loading onto the rather scary 'ferry' - and I use the word advisedly - taking them over the Zambezi river into Botswana, Namibia or Zimbabwe.

The idea is to build a bridge to save the often times, two day wait that drivers have, to cross from one country into another. Botswana and Namibia are up for it apparently and Botswana has started to put the new road structure in place. But Zambia and Zimbabwe say they cannot afford it.

The difference in affluence between Zambia and Botswana is clear to see.

Thought you'd all prefer a cuddly elephant to an ugly big lorry!

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