Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Don't go to sleep there Little One!

Aaw... The little green finch from yesterday came back.

The bad news is that I'm not entirely sure that he's 'got all his chairs at home' :-(

There was an anxious moment, when a (usually fiercely protective of his patch) blind and deaf dog wandered past him but both were happily 'San Fairy Anne'.

The baby has now flown away so, like yesterday, I'm hoping for the best(and have re-stocked the feeder!).

Re the visitors we're expecting, I'm reluctantly facing the fact that no matter how much they're coming to see US and not the state of our house... It's probably an Elf and Safety risk unless I clear enough space in the spare room for actual lying down purposes. (As opposed to 'find a square inch to step into without trampling the Christmas shopping I started in the sales last January'...Etc.)

Right. I'm one brew away from being on the case... Sigh.
(I think I work better under pressure).

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