Clark Tales

By cclark

Room with a view

Mark decided to draw a window between our kitchen wall and living room and I dont think he made too bad a job of the reality! .

I wanted to try and see if I could make the sketch sit transparently over the top of the reality picture, but this is way beyond my skills, so clicking the link will be as good as it gets to see the difference lol. Maybe one day I will acquire these skills but not just now.

What a brill day Tuesday was. A chilled morning in the flat cleaning and doing chores, followed by some wii and a catch up on tv, including Trollied, my new fave comedy! After that it was time to go a meet Olivia from Nursery. It was her first day back after the holidays, but she is now in the daisy room, which is for the older Nursery kids. I cannot believe it will only be 1 more year before she is starting school! She loved the surprise of me picking her up, and sat on my shoulders all the way home! Bless her cuteness.

After that there was time for a quick cuppa with CLP after finally getting her car back from its MOT. Then I trotted off to work where I found I have made one of my biggest bonuses to date!!

When I got home I thought about Toni's STAG/HEN DO, or HAG DO, or SHEN DO, whatever we wanna call it! The perfect plans came to mind, now I just have to put them into action, including finding an apartment/hotel or as they seem to be known, aparthotel!

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