Fenced In.

This tree has a tough life, growing between a wall and a fence on an overpass above a parkway. But it's leaves are pretty.

Tried to go biking today, Probably shoulda went for a walk. For 1. I couldn't get my bike computer to work and then when I got it to work I couldn't get it to reset. 2. as I was messing with it by the curb a car passed and 2 McDonald chicken mcnuggett boxes were tossed @ me. Then 3. Got a flat tire from some broken glass that not only punctured the tube but damaged the tire beyond repair. Well I guess I did end up going for a walk. Oh yea then there was that black cat that was following me. It was a nice day for a walk tho, With the exception that the pants I was wearing were too big so I had to walk home with bike in one hand and holding my pants up with the other. Movie Time!!!

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