Re-Vision: A Photo Journal

By shellkaysm

Too Good to Pass Up

On the edge of storms all morning and early afternoon, the sun finally made a few peeks through and allowed this shot. Everytime I tell myself that is enough butterfly photos, I find yet another too-good-to-pass-up shot and take it. Come winter, I will be longing for such options.

These are the same sweet peas from yesterday's Blip with a butterfly (or two...look closely, I missed the one hider in my intitial viewings). My neighbor's wishing well provided the background. This time the curly tendrils of the vine fit into the view to add interest without confusing the eye. At least that was my impression.

Now, after another day of severe headache/neck pain (2 herniated discs that cause lots of discomfort), I'm going to make homemade chicken bow tie soup with my junior chef. She loves to cook and bake. Me, not so much. Love reading and collecting cookbooks but not necessarily using them :/

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