The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters

Blipping a Blipper

En route home from their own holiday jaunt to the East of England, my friend Cameron and family dropped in for the afternoon and a BBQ. I had decided on the latter for ease given that we had arrived home from our own holiday yesterday and the forecast did not involve rain. To my great surprise, it was even sunny - until we wanted to go outside and actually do the BBQ thing when the clouds came over and were rather stubborn in their willingness to bugger off.

It mattered not how the weather behaved and we all had a pleasant afternoon, which is a much too rare opportunity these days with work, family commitments, oh and a 300 mile distance between us. Cameron is the person responsible for getting me into this blipping obsession and he has credited today as his first technical Blipmeet on his journal Cameron's edited life - My First Blipmeet (sorry about too much leg on display over there if you have a look).

One of the wonderful things of today is how well our children got on despite hardly knowing each other and, having witnessed the same thing on holiday, I am amazed at how easily children can strike up friendships. Mind you it helps that they all speak the universal language of nonsense.

Today's blip therefore is a shot of Cameron uploading his blip and was supposed to include the relevant web page but this proved impossible as despite the cloud cover it was a bright day and the reflection off his laptop screen was too great to pick up any detail. To be fair, we might have created some sort of paradox had I included his blip within the photo content and then hyperlinked them so better safe than sorry.

Back to work tomorrow, to the world of e-mail and impossible deadlines. Deep joy.

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