
By TrishaR


My head is almost in my laptop tonight as the promised clear out of the garage took place and it took up ALL day. It was a lovely day so instead of trailing round country lanes:-( we got stuck in to the mess.

The whole family "helped" and there was soon a pile of junk, pile of car boot sale stuff and the going back in stuff. Some treasure was unearthed, my daughter's Sylvanian Family figures and I found some old pictures that I had forgotton about. I was amazed at my 80's hair styles and also the "fashion" of the day.

Also, I think we can put on record that Ben started walking properly today. That is getting up on his feet himself and taking 7 steps along our hall, to watch Cameron playing his pinball machine! So that makes him 10 months and 12 days old. We all had a bet on and his mum was spot on picking 14 August. So we have to cough up £1.00 each for her.

We cleaned up Cameron's old car which actually scribbed up really well and Ben was in his glory in the driving seat!

Edit: Forgot to register my weight loss after 1 week - Lost 2.5 lbs (I don't work in metric!)

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