Contemplating the Horizon

Evie is such a thinker. She's very intentional. And extremely literal. What a combination. I love how her mind works; it must be exhausting though. Sweet, sweet niece. Her freckles are the best. And her features are so delicate, like a little porcelain doll. She's starting 5th grade in a few weeks. I cannot even believe it.

She just got picked up by her parents yesterday from Kanakomo in Branson, MO. After 28 days of being a Kiowa. (Kiowas won her term, by the way. Huzzah. My old tribe. In your face, Kicks!)
It was Caroline's first year as well. She went to... K-Kountry, I think. And only for 7 days, but she LOVED it. So I think she wants to go for two weeks next summer. Maybe even the full month like her older sister.

In N Out traffic cluttering up my street below. Mmm. Trying not to be negative about walking out of my apartment and hearing people's orders being called up over the loudspeaker. And smelling more grease than Wendy's was previously emitting. It does provide more foot traffic around the neighborhood and I do actually love that. I don't want to be the only person walking around. Even though I'm not walking anywhere in this heat.

Still procrastinating from studying. I have about 6 lectures I have to go over between today and tomorrow.. Maybe I can work on that tonight instead. This afternoon is just wonderful being lazy.

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