Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Legacy Herefords

C and I went a barbecue on Saturday to sample Legacy Herefords' beef. C was equally interested in petting the cows. As you can see, they are used to getting attention.

I was going to write a description of Legacy Herefords' business, but realized that I couldn't do better than quoting their website.

Legacy Herefords is a small beef operation in Whatcom County, WA, owned and operated by Erick and Allison Aurand. The herd is comprised of a select group of registered Polled Hereford cattle whose genesis rests with Allison's grandfather, Howard Deets, who developed his Deets' Polled Hereford Ranch over the course of nearly 50 years. When the majority of the herd was liquidated in 2007, Allison chose a small group of cows and a homebred bull from the old farm to continue on her grandfather's vision of excellence in quality, production, and disposition.

There's a lot more interesting information on their site and the MooBlog. If you're an ardent consumer of organic food, as C and I are, I strongly recommend that you read the blog entry No, We're Not "Organic," We're "Miracle". To put it simply, going organic means that sick cattle cannot be given antibiotics.

Allison and Erick treat their animals humanely and the quality of their beef is simply outstanding. They also sell live cattle, in case you need a couple of head for the ranch.

I posted some photos on Flickr. Warning -- some graphic brown-nosing.

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