Wayside wonderment!

OMG!!! Guess what - we have had sun, practically all day and it's been warm! The excitement of it all made me leap out of bed and go off blipping at the crack of dawn - well 8.30ish. We're just about to do another card re-print and there have been requests! I'm not sure whether listening to requests is a good idea or not but locals seem to want cards of the nearest village and the churches! The village is one small street and full of wires and cars and although the Protestant church is in a very picturesque site, the catholic church is not. Still, there are no postcards and people seem to be sending them off to relatives all around the world, we might give it ago.

I spent a couple of hours at Kilcrohane market, it was boiling and the cards were getting a bit sweaty, like me! Once mass is out it goes a bit quiet, so back home, mowed the lawn and did a bit of chilling. Himself has just come back from a huge walk with a Frenchman so must go and make a cuppa. Catch up later.

Today's image is a truly amazing burst of colour - a wayside hedgerow just bursting with montbretia, purple loosestrife, ragwort and meadow sweet.

Edit: What a very nice young man, escaping a boring job and taking a walk a round the south west of Ireland. Tonight he's camping in the stone circle.

Ps - yesterday's image was a teasel!

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