The end!

Well 14 days on the road, 15 performances later and I can honestly say its been a total blast. These youngsters aged 16 to 19 were not just talented musicians they were a great bunch with good humour throughout and delivered everything Sileas the musical director asked of them. I cant remember when I have laughed so much and been so moved and so proud of a bunch of youngsters.
Theres morons in London and elsewhere could do well to take a leaf out of their book. These thieving clowns claim "we have nufink to do"!! they live in a city with lots of amenities for God's sake and dont give me the line about social deprivation being the blame of it all. I have seen and been living in areas of social deprivation and have seen some mighty fine kids come through the system. Where were the parents of these teenagers and 7 and 8 year olds? Parents no longer take responsibility for their kids and I include some well heeled parents in this too who are their kids "friends" For goodness sake guys, get a grip and start going back to good old basic parenting.
These youngsters I had for the past to weeks also cam out of a very mixed area with far fewer ameneties than those in London and from single parent families too yet there they wwere giving the performance of their lives .

This country has gone to the dogs and is governed by tree hugging do gooders . Lets start by teaching basic parenting and they could do by taking a leaf out of Glasgow's "Includem" strategdy which is working and helping to reduce gang warfare, drigs etc.

What kind of country sends its army with people as young as 21 to fight and die in far off shores and at the same time cant get the majority of its youngsters out of bed to school far less to go and look for work. I hear the arguements about foreginers stealing jobs but at least they are prepared to work ! I had better shut up!

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