Red Squirrel


'Me' time.

A really busy day, no time to even think about a blip! Am in the middle of 2 weeks leave from work, and this week has been mostly a busy and often frustrating one. So I decided to have a real 'me' night. Off went the main light, on went my stained glass tea-lights (well the holders are stained glass anyway!), my fibre optic lamp and my mirror ball - and a favourite music DVD played loudly as my immediate neighbours are away. Out came the wine. And I had a lovely evening. It suddenly occured to me that my 'light-show' could make a decent blip, so I took some shots. Intruigingly in this one, I am reflected (though very hazily) in the mirror ball. The fibre optic is out of shot. So this is my blip for today. Well, it's certainly different from the normal blips. Eat your hearts out Pink Floyd!

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