
Time in Orewa with Mum and Dad is coming to an end. Mum and I walked down to the beach this afternoon. The light was very strange, flat and almost oily. This photo of Mum was by far the best and has her lovely smile.

This morning we went out for breakfast with my brother and sister-in-law. We had a lovely time and happily waddled away afterwards. Perhaps less waddling for me since I'd run first.

Mum and Dad have a more complete and better organised emergency kit than I do. I hope they never need it but if they have to evacuate or face a major emergency/crisis/disaster for whatever reason, they have something they can follow and use. Other things are in place to assist them if needed too.

It's all taken a surprising amount of time and energy but it's satisfying when it all comes together.

I'm cooking wild venison for them tonight and they'll polish off the last of the baked cheese cake. Then a video together and after that I'm going to finally see 'Exit through the gift shop'. I was sick and missed it at last year's film festival.

Then it's home again tomorrow.

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