At festival time when my folks are up our schedules are like two circles on a particular tye of diagram. On occasions we experience the intersection (I'll come clean, had to look that word up, most of my maths set theory knowledge from school obviously left my brain a long time ago to make room for stuff about films, books, pop music, etc) and we spend time together out and about in town.
So, I accompanied my mum to the ballet at Festival Theatre tonight and I can happily report that The Peony Pavilion was absolutely stunning in pretty much every aspect. Choreography, set design, the staging, and that finale, well, 'wow' is the only word that comes close to sufficing.
Had kickstarted the day with the opening children's event at the book festival which is always a lovely place to visit. Julia Donaldson did far more than simply read a few books, a real performance with songs, guitar, funny costumes, lots of kids getting up on stage with her to act out the parts, a good proper fun event.
And in between all this culture I ate my own weight in roast beef, just to, you know, balance out all this event-related activity with something approaching non-festival normality.
Best have a tune to end on. Got stuck on a bus at one point today and sat in pre-tattoo traffic for a long time. I didn't mind one jot, I had this lot to keep me company after all.
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