Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

The frog who came to tea

or at least I wish he would instead of my children at the moment.

I don't know what's happened but mealtimes are a nightmare and I dread them.

D has to be wrestled or bribed into his highchair most of the time.
He refuses to wear a bib.
He happily opens his mouth to take the food before dribbling it all out (pretty disgusting to watch).
He insists on feeding himself yoghurt (horribly messy).
Anything he doesn't want gets thrown onto the floor. Unfortunately this has become one of his favourite pastimes as he is fascinated by watching things drop to the floor. I try to kid myself it's because he's incredibly bright and is just trying to make sense of Newton's law of gravity. I have my doubts.
O is incapable of sitting still at the table, as she always 'just' has to do something.
She is now four and insists on being fed by Mummy or Daddy (I have a friend who told me that when her daughter was six she also insisted on being fed when baby brother came along). I sincerely hope that this is not going to last for two more years.
Just as I'm about to turn the light out when O is in bed she tells me that she is hungry. Without fail.

Happy days.

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