Wisdom Begins In Wonder

By bobzilla

k2tog and then wtp ya scurvy landlubber ye!

Roughly one year ago we opened our doors to the public. For the seven months prior to that Vonnie insisted that if I was going to work in a shop that sold craft materials and ran classes that I should at least sound as thought I knew what I was talking about in at least one area. It doesn't matter how well I can bake or make a coffee if I can't talk to the customers about what we sell then I really shouldn't be there.

With that in mind you can understand the frustration my wife must have felt when she had to put me in a crochet class after I still hadn't managed to learn anything months after the shop opened.

So with today being the last official day we're open on Great Western Road I thought I'd make a special effort whilst the kids were having lunch and start to learn to knit. I can cast on like a beast but my hands are too big and clumsy for the actual knitting. If I keep this up I'll be throwing it across the room every time I make a mistake!

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