For the family

By RonaMac

Look what I found!

My office (the spare bedroom and dumping ground for anything that I?m working on) is in dire need of a tidy up, but not enough time to fit that in today.

We have just had a FaceTime video call with Daughter No 1 (and only) in Kathmandu which was magic! No time delay on the sound and we had a guided tour round the apartment. For someone like me, who as a child had to walk half a mile with my parents to the nearest phone box on a Sunday evening to call relations in Scotland, it is unbelievable how technology has developed. Also how I now take it all for granted, as long as someone helps me with the techy setting up bits!

To get back to the point of the blip. I found the No 1 Mum flower standing in the corner of the desk. It has been there for years (20+) and mostly goes unnoticed whilst I sort out and shuffle piles of journals, documents, other bits and pieces and work on the computer. Today it will be given a front seat and priority. It was given and received with love all those years ago and that has remained unchanged.

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