
By andyclicks


Didn't get up till around 12ish today, despite being woken up at 9, 10 and 11 :/

But never mind, had a late breakfast then went to Bosham with Mum, Lydia and Bridget to do some ceramic painting. I did a square sort've plate thing and painted some chickens on, not our ones though cause I didn't have time to print off a proper photo to base it on. Never mind though, I'll get a picture of it when they all arrive back from the glazers.

Other than that not a lot has happened today really. Just sitting here watching the Film Music Prom which is really good. Very jealous of the 5,200 odd people there watching in person. Anyways I took this photo very quickly at bosham of the harbour. I did infact get some of the plate I did, but accidentally had left my camera on sunset mode and so they were all a bit ... warm let's say. It was a nice effect but I liked this more :)

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