Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176


Elizabeth met her first ladybird today. She was a bit nervous of it, but I hope I got the message through to her that there was nothing to be scared of. How odd that she's assume fear rather than anything else! She's fine with spiders and she nearly caught a grasshopper the other day.

Anyway, we went to messy play this morning. Lets just say, she doesn't seem to mind about getting her hands dirty anymore! She had a great time; panting, gluing, splashing in the water, drawing with chalk on the ground outside, stirring some kind of gloopy mixture and trying to eat cold, cooked pasta.

She came with me to my 28 week midwife appointment, and charmed the trainee GP that was observing. He was enjoying playing with her, so it made my appointment very easy! Then when we left, she insisted on stopping and saying "bye bye" to everybody in the surgery!

Elizabeth is a climber, loves to climb on anything at the moment. But her new thing is standing at the top of her sumit and saying "ta da!"

There are always new things everyday. It's so exciting being a mum!

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