Would you Adam and Eve it ...

.... it's flipping raining again - mightily!!

I think Earthdreamery is right - my life is like a soap opera! The Hungarian lady, Judy, plus daughter arrived last night having driven down from Roscommon - a long way. No sooner had she arrived than we were all whisked off to watch some magic! One of Annabel's wwoofer - Raphael from France - is a magician! He entertained us with some cards tricks and was totally amazing!! Himself was busily trying to work out how he did it but I just believe.

We were up horribly early as Judith was being collected at 8.15 am. The weather is atrocious so no market. I did some stirling work in the polytunnel and came in convinced it was lunchtime - no it was 10.50!! I had a damp trudge around the garden and plucked one of my small but very delicious apples - oh dear, look at those nails - you wouldn't be tempted would you!!

Too wet to venture out so am now off to start tidying up 'the end room' - it's the useful room where everything that has no apparent home gets thrown in - it's piled high with stuff from Christmas decoration to newspapers to boxes to old paint tins to masses of useful stuff! if I don't blip tomorrow I'm somewhere under a heap - come and find me.

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