While on my runs

By waipushrink

Art in Arch Hill

Not many opportunities for photography today, as I had to start relatively early, was busy through the day, and then had to work late on an urgent report. After completing that I saw a magnificent full moon, and thought I might get a reasonable picture when I got home. No. Just a big silver ball.

So back to the photographs taken while on my run this morning. I chose this one as it is rather different from previous blips.

This old (for NZ) square fronted villa would have been built in the late 19th or early 20th century, using mostly kauri timber. Like all houses built in that era, the house is built to the street, rather than to any view (down the hill) or the sun (I am to the east of the house as can be seen by the reflected sunrise in the window). The interaction between householders and neighbours was enhanced by sitting on the verandah to see and talk with passing pedestrians.

This particular house has for many years now, had these large triangular slabs of concrete set behind the picket fence. Who put them there, and why, is quite unknown to me.

I hope everyone has a good weekend, and also hope that calm really does return to the cities of England.

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