Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Just doing a bit of shopping

Today started off disastrously - approximately two minutes before I had to leave for work, my son slipped/wriggled out of my arms as I was lowering him to the floor and he hit his mouth against the side of his sister's bed. There was blood everywhere as he cut just below his lip. I had blood all over my white cardigan, he had it on his t-shirt.
I cried as I felt so terrible and he screamed as he was in pain and shock.

Eventually he stopped bleeding and started smiling and playing so we put him in the car and took him to the creche! The crying and screaming re-commenced as soon we got there. I was late for work and walked into the room just as the Director was giving a presentation. Brilliant. I then struggled to focus on work as I kept thinking about my son. Mad harassed woman - bet they're glad they gave me the job.

D actually had quite a good day at the creche, apart from the fact that he is refusing to eat any of the food they give him. He now has a bruised, swollen lip and I feel so guilty.

I took O to Carrefour to do a bit of shopping when I got back from work as she loves pushing the trolleys for children. The only problem is that she likes running and then sliding with the trolley which is not good for grown-up knees who happen to get in her way!

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