Diver Driver

By diverdriver

Zambia Day#5

Another wet, cold, miserable day in Zambia.

Only joking. We have not seen a cloud in the sky since Monday. And the temperature is rising by the day. This does not stop locals feeling the cold and wearing shirt, tie and jackets!

Visited a family in Pamodzi compound, just outside Ndola today. They are a family of nine - soon to be ten - who Hannah (Bananablip) supports.

In the photo are; Mrs DD, Jacob, Blessings, Elijah, Mr and Mrs Chirwa (and baby Natasha Chirwa,) Martha - much loved by Bananablip - and finally Bananablip herself.

Martha has got the most amazing singing voice - which we are to hear on Saturday and Sunday this week - and is hoping to use this gift to help fund her passage through university in two years time. She also told her father to stay home from work today as we were visiting the family!

What an honour for us!

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