Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Lifeboat Day

Today it is 'Lifeboat Day' here in St Ives, so this afternoon I got dressed up all smart in my 'Cath Kidson' bandana. The intention was for me to be blipped with the lifeboat. Well, I don't really like it in town when it's really busy 'cos I keep bumping into people's legs. It's really crowded at the moment and nobody looks where they're going because they're all too busy eating pasties and ice cream, so people are always crashing into me. Once someone drove a childs buggy straight at me and they didn't even apologise.

So I devised a very clever cunning plan. Ann said she would take me for a walk 'off lead' first ...................... so what I did was .......................... I wallowed in the smelliest, dirtiest water I could find. My bandana got soaked and I got ever so stinky. I thought that would mean that Ann would just let me stay and play off my lead.

Why is it that my very clever cunning plans hardly ever work? She made me walk through town looking a complete mess. I could hear loads of people commenting on what a state I was in. Then when we got to the lifeboat station there were so many people there that we couldn't get near the lifeboat. ............And I still hadn't been blipped.

So Ann decided to take me to the office to see if anyone wanted to be blipped with me. Usually everyone in the office loves me and can't wait to say 'hello' to me. Do you know what happened today? I ran in wagging my tail as usual, then I heard Jan say, 'Molly you stink, go away'. Next thing I know everyone's on the phone - I'm sure they were just pretending so they didn't have to make a fuss of me.

.................That's why I've ended up being blipped by myself just lying on the office floor.

The next time I have a very clever cunning plan I'm going to make sure it really is very clever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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