A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Day trip

Backblipping on Thursday...

Had an appointment to be a witness for a friend who needed to sort some stuff at the American Embassy so took the kids for an outing. Quite frankly I think they could have been a little more excited about their first trip to American soil but I think they found the whole experience remarkably underwhelming, especially as in their minds I think 'being a witness' had translated into something more exciting than signing pieces of paper. They're beginning to twig that some (a lot?) of grown-up stuff is actually quite dull.

Still, we had a fun trip to the Science Museum before the Embassy interlude and afterwards they behaved like lunatics on speed in Hyde Park to make up for having behaved impeccably whilst inside.

We met Carl for a handover of the kids as we were heading to the Hampstead Theatre for an enjoyable if a little emotionally challenging play about children in care following their mother being murdered by a serial killer. Loosely based on the Yorkshire Ripper and the experiences of one of the son's of one of his victims. Very well done and gripping stuff. If you find yourself in Hampstead before the end of August it is worth a visit and it is pay what you can afford as they want to reach as wide an audience as possible. After that, they are hoping to tour so it may come near you...it's called, "Where's Your Mama Gone?"

It's now Thursday and I'm behind but that's another blip.

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