Fraggle Rock

By frisky

Hi Blip

Daddy not in a very good mood this morning, something about rain and not taking camera out. However, while he is sulking and having a tantrum I have decided to see what this toy does. Usually Stardust gets to them first, but she is a bit crazy and is away out to play in the rain.

I, however, seem to have mastered the self portrait thing quite well for a first attempt. Today's mission is to find another mouse when Daddy is out and bring it home later. Me and Stardust done this yesterday, Daddy was very excited and shouting some funny words when he saw the half mouse we left for him to play with in the middle of the living room floor.

Anyway, I had best go away and pretend to be in a huff again (I'm two now, so I am expected to act like a moody teenager apparently)

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