Capital adventures

By marchmont

Wet, wet, wet!!

Wet champagne; wet, wet rain.

Today's highlights were:

lunch with my 3rd cousin and her mother. We'd never met before but been in touch for about 4 years through family history. We're both descended from John King (b 1723) and Elisabeth Trunch (b 1724) and we're third cousins because of our 2 x gt grandparents, Hugh King (1827 - 1899) and Mary Russell (1836 - 1921), and I'll be off to the King Family Picnic at the end of the month.

afternoon coffee at 'Butterflies' with SS, my ex colleague from aberdeen and his delightful granddaughter A.

hopefully getting British Gas problem resolved thanks to kieran (fingers crossed).

Pommery Champagne bar at the Signet Library with SBC and then the Whiski Rooms afterwards.

realising I can make 2 photos in a frame using the collage function in Photoshop - but I'll persevere with diptychs and triptychs - it won't defeat me!


2 long phone calls (my 3rd and 4th this week) to British Gas who have decided they are taking over my gas supply next week even although we agreed a month ago they wouldn't. And next week the electricity goes back to EDF. It's a mess.

the rain - getting soaked in the rain walking home, even with the umbrella. The Tattoo was exiting as I walked up the Mound and there were a lot of drookit people under plastic capes. Us locals feel so sorry for the tourists.
Huge puddles and rivers running through the Meadows (and John Humphrys said on 'today' this morning that it would be mainly a fine day although a bit wet in the north - a BIT wet?!) meant I got very wet feet. Discussing the events down south though we did agree that some torrential rain in London and Birmingham may have made events unfold differently. (There is a small upside on the rain - it keeps the seagulls quiet).

Leaking roof - I'd had 8 drops at the week-end. Came back to a soaking floor in front of the fridge, so it was back to a towel and basin on the floor. And I thought this only happened in France. Thursday a.m. and it's still dripping.

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