Lil' Larry by my side

Best viewed sunny happy large

He thought about it - as I sat there on the other cushion next to him...

Then he thought some more

And then in a blink of any eye, he decided, yes, I will sunbathe next to you

He took me entirely by surprise, I just wasn't ready - oh, I said to him, you're not are you?? Oh Lil boy, aren't you so adorable & so clever...

It shows how much he trusts me!

I did take other photos today.. I don't only take photos of Lil' Larry, although, it's very difficult not to...

Godzilla, how you've grown!

water mint & marmalade hover-fly

Peacock butterfly on the knapweed

But oh Lil Larry, you stole the show again!

He looks like he's got a beard!

So warm in the sunshine

Although there was a dreadful strong wind, not a cold wind, a wind which knocks you off your feet & especially if you're a bird too!

Seems all quiet in the UK tonight... I really hope that stays that way!

Thanks for all the comments, stars & hearts for yesterday's blip - as you may have noticed, I'm still very behind in commenting, sorry about that! xxx

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