An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Soggy oggy oggy!

What is this rain like?!!! Unbelieveable!

Well, actually, it's Scotland, it's mid August, it's the last week of the school holidays so yes, of course it's believeable. Hmph!

The good news is that the gap where my tooth was is healing nicely. No swelling and no jaw ache today...woo hoo!

When pondering this afternoon about the absence of toothache, I finally clicked that of course there's no toothache because there's no bloody tooth! Oh how I slapped myself good looking laughed at my mindbogling stupidity silliness (is that a word?)

Not much else to report today. Just been one of those days where nothing has happened really. Not complaining as I have more than enough drama on other days.

Oh and for those who were interested in yesterday's comment about hubby having his wedding ring cut off....the clue is in the word cut. When D and I got married he was a 28" he's a 34" on a good day, 36" on a bad and his fingers have followed suit! :)))


Just want to end by saying hope everyone living in or near the areas of unrest are ok. I read an article this morning that just finished it for me....what kind of sick animals threaten to fire bomb a children's hospital??!! I am totally sickened and ashamed and hope they catch each and every one of them.

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