michigan man

By outdoorguy


Back to my favorite small animal- the squirrel. An amazing animal. As I was watching him ( most of the time I just guess, but it definitely was a male), and taking pictures...he tired of me... crouched just a bit...and launched himself 5-6 feet...onto an overhanging branch. I hate to say it again, but I'm going to...AMAZING. To me...It's always one of those "How do they do that?" moments. It has to be those muscles in their hind legs. The muscles can't be that big, but they must be uber-powerful. Like the leg muscles of an NFL running back. AMAZING! (Enough of that word! )

I was on the picnic deck at the millpond. It is my favorite spot for shooting dragonflies. I heard a small noise behind me, and being an old mailman...thought dog. It was Rocky, the squirrel...noisily announcing his arrival. He wanted a handout, but I had nothing. He finally grabbed a crab-apple, and munched on that.

Since I still can't walk...I rode my bike to the pond. That didn't feel too good, either. It is still real puffy, and is sometimes painful. I will never chase a cat out of my yard again. "What was I thinking?"

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