
By Echo

Sudley House Art Gallery and Museum.

Had a Nan and oldest grand-daughter day today. It was great.
Went for some fruit and eye drops first.then off to Sudley House. Once the home of Mr Holt of shipping line fame. Full of his wonderful art collection.
First stop the tea-rooms for lunch. "I'm hungry Nana" as she stepped out of the car. Very nice freshly made sandwich, muffin and drinks.
Suitably refreshed we headed for the rooms. I was amazed how interested a four year old was. Helped I think by the visual effects of Mr Holt, his daughter and the parlour made talking directly to us and telling us something about themselves and the house. Then visited the child's room where there were cases with an old Noah's Ark toy and a wonderful dolls house. There were also modern day versions of them which Fi could play with. We then ventured into the garden in the lovely sunshine. This picture shows one side of the house with the garden room at the end where the original main entrance was. Mr Holt had moved this to the North side of the house. In the rose garden is a memorial to the local people killed at Hillsborough one of whom worked at Sudley house. Close up and other views here

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