Living In The Valley

By CatbirdCottage

Surprise Bloom

I hadn't really thought I would have enough time this evening to pick a camera up. I wound up with a bit of spare time and saw this new lily blooming. I suppose it's a lily. (and I'll have to admit I am not sure which kind it is) The leaves die early in summer and then this stalk shoots up in late summer and bam... there are blooms. The neat thing about this particular plant, it's in a place that one hasn't bloomed before. I don't know if I had planted a bulb or two last year or what. I'm always throwing seeds and bulbs in the ground whenever I receive them from friends :)

Anyway, this is quite a busy week. Daughter is officially moving to her own apartment this weekend. And yes we are busy trying to get everything ready for the big move. It's a bit of a bittersweet move...I'll adjust.. I think...

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