The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

My Camera Shy Cat

Well Casper isn't normally so camera shy but clearly he isn't in the mood to be snapped tonight.

It sounds like the police are now focused on putting an end to the riots in London - good - but I am sad to see other cities being so devestated also. There are some days I totally despair at the state of our nation, and the sheer lack of respect we seem to have for our fellow humans.

Other than the thoughts above I'm quite lost for words. Have a tonne to do on the packing/ moving house thing and also just at work so much to do but it's been such a weird week I have to admit to my head just not being in it.

Anyways, time Casper and I caught some ZZZZZZZs

Editing to add the picture I meant to blip last night! That teaches me for trying to be productive after midnight!

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