my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Sad Bunny Day

Well, today was a totally Blue Monday

Back at work, which I love but it's always hard going back after a holiday isn't it?

Coping with my mum and her cancer, the girls were playing up a bit and I was tired and feeling really down.

I keep trying to be civil with their dad - esp over the forthcoming sale of the family home. He changed the back door locks and bolted the front even when a lot of mine and the girls stuff was still there despite the fact he moved out long before. I rent a house a hundred yards up from our old home.

Today he asked for my keys back. I said I wouldn't hand them over, still trying to be civil. My name was not on the mortgage, I paid the deposit from my grant and we both worked and contributed to the household for the 12 years we lived there. My job was 21 hours because we agreed that I would stay at home some of the week with our two girls. He emailed to say that he did not recall one single mortgage payment for this property coming from my bank account.

"I also am yet to see any evidence of you paying the deposit"

So, back on the rocky road. I know it was the holiday blues, sick mum but even I was surprised when the tears came flooding out on my way to the co op.

The bloody Co Op! Even my bloody tear ducts are conspiring against me!

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