This was a bit of a snatch blip in the garden this morning before what promised to be a busy day at work. Hoverflies are too small to quickly lock the autofocus onto when they are in flight, so this was manually focussed. A hit and miss process with my eyesight. Another of the common Marmalade hoverflies, and it was hovering around the ox-eye daisies.
It was just as well I took this, as there were few other opportunities for an outdoor photo in daylight. Wifie and I went down to the prom in the evening, but the sun had already gone down and there was an indifferent sunset.
Arnside was a typical sleepy village tonight, in total contrast to events elsewhere in England where another night of rioting started well before dark in our cities. I don't normally comment on wider events in this journal, but the events of the last couple of nights seem a deeply disturbing symptom of something fundamentally awry in parts of our society. In village England we are so far removed from it, cocooned in a different world.
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