Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Lunch on the Edge

This seemed like a good day to figure out the road home. So we gathered our belongings, loaded them into the car and began to drive south, hoping we'd find some place along the way to have a late breakfast or early lunch. AND we did!

After stopping to look at the shoreline in Carpenteria, we spotted some places that were "for sale" and jotted down the numbers; then found our way to the freeway again and continue south. As we were approaching the itty-bitty little shoulder community called "Mussel Shoals," we decided to stop at The Cliff House Inn and Shoals Restaurant to inquire about lunch. We were told that they'd be serving lunch in 15 minutes. So we waited.

Even though the overcast gray sky had not yet allowed the sun to break through, the air was warm and sitting just the other side of the pool from the ocean waves was lovely. This seemed a most appropriate place to eat our last vacation meal.

I ordered a Kobe Burger and he ordered fish and chips. We each halved our portion with the other, so we had a lovely combo lunch. Delicious!

A year ago we had stopped here to inquire. Previously we'd only seen this place from the highway. So now we've stopped again and this time eaten here. Next time we'll make it a grand celebration moment and spend a night in the Inn. Take a look at this slide show on their website -- spectacular.

When we neared home, we stopped to get the three pooches before driving the final few miles to the house. We walked into where the three of them were and what a bunch of kisses and licks. Chloe, Mitzi, and Max were wild and crazy with excitement. It was all we could do to get their little shoulder harnesses on them to attach their leashes and walk them to the car. I sat in the backseat with them on the way home so we could hug and hold and lick while Mr. fun chauffered us the rest of the way (I didn't lick; they did).

I love home, so getting here was a celebration. There's no place like this place and the only bed that's best is mine. Woohoo -- glad to be here. The remainder of the week is an unwritten story, so we'll see what tales fill the page.

Thanks for cheering us on as we vacationed. Your comments were so encouraging and fun!

Good night from home in Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Chloe, Mitzi, and Max), aka Carol

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