As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

The End

So...right after the arena show we headed back to our site, grabbed our bags, and walked to the bus stop. Me and Craig didn't get a chance to say goodbye to our English friends and that was definitely the worst part of my day. Halfway through the 20 minute walk to the bus stop, it started to pour. Our luggage got completely soaked and so did we. We waited in the rain for an hour and a half, soaking wet, before our bus finally came (2:00 a.m.). When we got on the bus we all took of our layers and tried to dry off. When we got to Copenhagen (4:00 a.m.) we all changed into dry clothes. Copenhagen has a beautiful airport. Just thought I'd throw that in there. Then we boarded our flight to Stockholm and when we landed we rushed to the gate to make our flight to Newark. I slept for most of the ride home but it's just not the same as sleeping in a bed. We arrived at Newark at 2:30 EST. We deplaned, went through customs, and got our luggage. We all said our goodbyes before going into the swarm of parents. As usual, I get into the car for the two hour drive home and I'm already being assaulted with "You need to work on your Eagle Scout Project!" and "You have so much to clean when you get home!". I never get a moments rest. When I got home at 4:30 I backblipped a few days and then crashed on the couch while watching She's The Man. Later on I moved to my bed and went to bed for the night.

Word of the Day: Nervure - A vein, as of a leaf or the wing of an insect

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