As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

My First Cup Of English Tea

Today we had our last module activity; Quest. The first activity was an obstacle course. It was so fun and my patrol dominated everyone. Then we went to some assorted Viking games. My favorite was the one where we threw rubber mallets at lighting-bolt targets. After that we ate lunch. Shane (media representative) told me that there was something going on soon with the King of Sweden and because I had a nice camera I should go NOW! So I quickly walked to the Media Center to see what was up, and to my surprise; nothing. I waited around for about twenty minutes and eventually I just went back to the campsite. I chilled there with Kwame and Chris, who just finished their Friendship Award. Then we went to the charging tents to charge our Ipods. When we headed back to camp everyone was back from Quest. I went back to the charging tents with some people and I ended up spending a total of four hours sitting and charging today. What a waste. Then after dinner me and Craig hung out with the English crew; James, Jenny, Ruby, James, Sam, and Matt. We decided that we wanted to go up on the tower at the center of camp. Matt isn't too fond of heights so he stayed down below while the rest of us climbed the shaking tower. The view was awesome from the top. This is a picture of James, Ruby, Craig, Sam, and Jenny on top of the jamboree-world. I'm really glad that we had the opportunity to go on the tower before we had to leave. After that we walked back to Winter Square. James bought me ice cream and we watched Beth do karaoke. Then I went back to the English troops site and had my first cup of English tea. It. Was. Amazing. After that I went back to my site and into my tent.

Word of the Day: Overslaugh - To pass over or disregard (a person) by giving a promotion, position, etc., to another instead

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