
watching the footage of the riots and fires and looting going on in london and parts of birmingham - it's just mad. absolute craziness that started for a particular reason and quickly escalated to something completely different. watching reports from hackney and dalston particularly worrying for us as my brother and sister in law live there...they are fine but pretty worried. lots of folk wondering if it's time to get the army in as there's clearly not enough police. it's difficult not to think that this is a symptom of bigger issues stemming from the government, police and media. depressing.

anyway, my blip today is of noel fielding in the horrid henry film. we all went to see it tonight based solely on the fact that he was in it. the kids loved the film (it's really crap) but were disappointed that noel (or vince) was only in it for about two minutes. I was disappointed that he'd become such a porker! I think he's eaten howard moon...

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