As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Ice Lollies

We went to the lakefront this morning for a flag ceremony and a little play on how Christianity was brought to Sweden. After that we went back to the site and cooked oatmeal for breakfast. When we finished packing, we went back to the lakefront and played hackey sack. Mr. Boothby treated us all to pear-flavored "ice lollies" as the English call them and they were delicious. The bus arrived around 12:30 and we rode back to the Jamboree. I sat with James and we watched the Irish take revenge in Josh by throwing little pieces of candy at him the whole ride. We were the first group back so the showers were mostly empty when we got to them. I ran into Matt, Ruby, and Jenny at the cafe so we sat outside and ate together. When the other groups got back we played some hackey sack and the a few of us played Ludo. We had a dinner exchange with the German troop next to us tonight. My patrol got to eat delicious beef goulash at their site. Me and Craig walked around camp with Jenny and Ruby before heading back to our site. My troop and the German troop hung out all night until curfew.

This is me diving into the arms of my patrol and the Swedish kids.

Word of the Day: Entelechy - A realization or actuality as opposed to a potentiality

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