DAFT! Or wot?
One of my real real real time-wasting addictions is this silly little game. Somewhat akin to "Farmville" (Both on Facebook).
Settled down for this morning's session only to find "Could not find>>>>>>>>>". Carried on the day without any withdrawal symptoms and checked again later in the day, after multiseveral shots covering a diversity of lunacy, (SO! What's fresh?) and found this screen.
Covering ''Can you call it 'cider' and make it from pears?''
I've often seen things carted 1/2 way round a super market and then left in a totally inappropriate locality. (Shot of half a chewed banana on top of several six-packs of Fosters©)
This year's 1st cyclamen flower.
The 1st 1/2'' of Colchicum showing face. On which subject... I saw snippets of "Secret garden" yesterday/last night and watched gob-smacked while some colchicums broke surface, in time lapse, heralding the beginning of SPRING???.
But, in view of the rarity of this occurrence I settled for it.
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