A Beautiful Life

By flybytheseat

Chargers FanFest 2011

I love being spontaneous!

Today, Jason and I decided to head over to the Chargers FanFest at Qualcomm Stadium. Just a last minute, random thing to do. The whole team was there practicing and signing autographs for the kids. Hot dogs were only $1 - I still didn't have one, though...there were too many Charger Girls running around, visually reminding me to eat healthier...haha.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I can't wait for the season to start!! I love my football, and I love my team.

Jason, the sports-loving man of my dreams, scored us some awesome "Bolt Up" stickers, and some other neat game gear. We had a nice chat with the Chairperson of the San Diego Stadium Coalition, Jason Riggs. He actually made a lot of sense, and I think I'm on board for the new stadium. Sounds good, and it looks good, too.

Just another really nice day in my city, San Diego. :)

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