Snippets of Life

By betho


So good to be back at this place! Far too many photos to choose from!!
I'll have to try and be brief.
So we awoke to thick thick cloud up in Limuru, set off at 8 with Joe, picked up Lydiah on the way and drove down my favorite road down the escarpment to Jikaze. Jikaze is an IDP (Internally Displaced People) camp, about 1000 people who were displaced as a result of the post election violence live there. They've bought the land and Joe has been working with them helping them to build houses and various things.

A few weeks ago they'd built a greenhouse there for the people to grow tomatos which would hopefully bring them quite a bit of money. About 10 days later a random tornado (which never happen in Kenya) came and destroyed it and a couple of houses (its a mercy it didn't do more damage). So they'd managed to get them another one and we went down to help build it.

It was long, it was hot when the sun finally appeared, it was dirty but it was pretty fun. I wish i could put more photos up!

In this picture you see the big sheet that became the walls and roof (it was kinf of like a huge tent) waiting to be put on. Joe had just put the little girl there because it was getting pretty windy, half a minute later another little girl ran across it and the wind whipped it all up around her and everyone had to rush to grab it before it started to blow away! Apparently one little girl isn't enough to hold a big sheet of plastic down!

The girls name is Hannah, once she got over her shyness she came and played with my hair and with her friend Sarah got excited about my camera ('take picture!) though she kept having to run off and bring back the 3 donkeys that she seemed to be looking after and who liked to stray off!

It was great to be there though and see how well Jikaze is doing and see everyone with their little farms growing things and getting on. The only bad thing was how sunburnt my neck got... a harsh reminder of how strong the sun can be here.

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