Tales from a Digital Guy

By digitalface


This is Jasper....Those of you that know me will know how much effort this pic would have taken me, i've been stung a few times by these and have a slight reaction to it, not enough to worry too much about, but i wouldn't want to get stung on the throat by one. Just the sight of a wasp is enough to make me want to run a mile, and i have been know to jump out of a slow moving car when one came in through the window...and i was driving !

Taking this pic was good as it's kinda desensitised me to them, i was using a 40mm extension tube on a 35mm prime lens - this means i had to get REALLY close to it.....the goose bumps on my body were like a cobbled street. I took about 50 shots to get this decent one....i'm happy with that !

Happy Monday !

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