
By DaveyTrain

And Again...

OK kiddies, a nice easy "What is it?" today.

Well, at least Monday's over.

Nothing exciting at work today however, I got a phone call from Jeanine letting me know that the scooter' battery was flat and she was at the school, 1.2 kms from home. I left work at quarter to 3 and grabbed a train and bus.

When I got home, she had nearly nursed it all the way home so I only had a little push.

It's on charge now.

Then (because it is Toilet Town after all), I had to duck down to the shops. When I drove to the next street, it's blocked off by the Toilet Town Taxi Service (Police). There was about 10 marked and unmarked taxi's, and about 20 police at a house a couple of houses down from the intersection.

Someone was having a bad day, but in this area, I have no doubt it won't even get a mention in the papers.

Living the dream in paradise... :)

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